
Carcinogenic benzene in sunscreen
Carcinogenic benzene in sunscreen

carcinogenic benzene in sunscreen

A full list of the sunscreen products with benzene can be found in the petition. In light of its new findings of benzene in sunscreens, Valisure has petitioned the FDA to recall the 78 products and to conduct its own investigation into the manufacturing of these products. But in March 2021, Valisure announced they had detected benzene above this level in nearly two dozen hand sanitizer products, at least one of which was later recalled. In the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic when there was a shortage of hand sanitizer, the FDA temporarily allowed hand sanitizers to contain up to 2 ppm of benzene. In these cases, benzene levels should be limited to 2 ppm "unless otherwise justified," the FDA says.

carcinogenic benzene in sunscreen

The FDA says that benzene should not be used in the manufacturing of drug products except in special circumstances, mainly if their use is unavoidable and the drug product makes a significant therapeutic advance. The Environmental Protection Agency limits benzene in drinking water to 0.005 ppm, or 5 parts per billion (ppb), which is also the limit for bottled water. Occupational Safety & Health Administration limits workplace exposure to benzene in the air to 1 ppm on an average day and a maximum of 5 ppm over a 15-minute period, according to the American Cancer Society. Exposure to high levels of benzene causes cancer in humans, particularly blood cancer, including leukemia.

Carcinogenic benzene in sunscreen